Sade Fadipe - Author of Culturally Diverse Children's Books |

Set in Modakeke, join Adanah on her special visit... US Edition. For ages 3-7yrs

Adanah goes in search of Snow! But finds more than expected. Ages 7-11

Explore the Outdoors, set in Modakeke with Kolade & Adanah. For ages 3-7yrs

Set in Modakeke, join Adanah on her visit... UK Edition. For ages 3-7yrs

It's time for Essex Book Festival's Midsummer Madness

Aloo o! is a storytelling, arts, crafts, drumming and Mancala workshop for ages 3-11yrs, and adults that toy with the idea of being a child again, with Sade Fadipe, SP K-Mushambi and Margaret Omoniyi

Immerse yourself in the mesmerising music, colours and stories of our amazing Africa.

Join Sade Fadipe for A Visit to the Grandparents in Nigeria – a Yoruba themed story in song and get enchanted by Ayo Olopon (mancala). Discover SP K-Mushambi’s Zimbabwean heritage story, Tarirai’s Choice and the soothing tunes of the mbira. Feel the rhythm with Margaret in a drumming workshop including a retelling of an Asante tale from Ghana – The Leopard’s Drum by Jessica Souhami.

Sunday 23rd June, 12.30 – 4.00pm

Venue: Cressing Temple Barns, Witham Road, Braintree, Cressing, CM77 8PD

Tickets: Free, no booking required.

Part of Midsummer Madness Family Fun Day. Pack your picnic and make a beeline for what promises to be a magical day!

Free parking, free entry and lots of free activities. All welcome.

Aloo o! Aloo.

Are you ready, for Sunday 23rd June, Essex?

Reviews from a Valentine's day outing...

Check out what the 10yr old year-5s had to say at a Southwark Borough (Peckham) Library! Read the full blog

Adanah and Grandma characters in Snowy Joy
Adanah and Grandma characters in Snowy Joy

What we did for World Book Day ...

Upcoming releases include delightful characters, exciting plots, with valuable life lessons from the enchanting woodlands of Katangah

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To engage with my captivating world of culturally diverse literature and fun stories for African, Caribbean and ALL children, why not Subscribe to my newsletter?

Infusing #ownvoice and #Representation at the heart of my creativity. I entertain children by writing culturally diverse books with an emphasis on the richness of our heritage, one rarely experienced within their daily institutions. I deliver storytelling sessions to schools, libraries and festivals.

I also coordinate CALF-Events; do visit our CALFE page too.